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In national currency

Interest rate: the current
Central Bank main
rate +7% per annum
Сurrency: Sum
Deposit term: 24 month
Replenishment / Withdrawal: No/No
  • if the Central Bank's Main Rate changes, the conditions of the term deposit must change according to the new Main Rate from the date of the change
  • In case of early termination of contract until 12 months period - it is recalculated annual in the amount of Main rate of Central bank, after 12 months the interest rate doesn’t change;
  • interest capitalization – not applicable;
  • interest payment – on monthly basis.

In foreign currency in USD

Interest rate: up to 4%
Сurrency: USD
Deposit term: 24 month
Replenishment / Withdrawal: No/No
  • in case of pre-schedule termination until 12 months – re-calculation in the amount of 50% from the initially set interest rate, after 12 months the interest rate doesn’t change;
  • interest capitalization – not applicable;
  • interest payment – on monthly basis

In foreign currency in Euro

Interest rate: up to 2%
Сurrency: Euro
Deposit term: 24 month
Replenishment / Withdrawal: No/No
  • in case of pre-schedule termination until 12 months – re-calculation in the amount of 50% from the initially set interest rate, after 12 months the interest rate doesn’t change;
  • interest capitalization – not applicable;
  • interest payment – on monthly basis

In national currency Overnight

Interest rate: up to 5%
Сurrency: Sum
Deposit term: 24 months
Replenishment / Withdrawal: No / No
  • in case of early termination of the contract, the interest rate remains unchanged;
  • interest capitalization – not applicable;
  • interest payment – on monthly basis.

Urgent deposit with daily interest payments

Interest rate: the current
Central Bank main
rate +7% per annum
Сurrency: Sum
Deposit term: 24 months
Replenishment / Withdrawal: No / No
  • early partial/full withdrawal - provided, in case of partial/full withdrawal within 12 months, interest on the amount of partial/full withdrawal is recalculated at the main rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, after 12 months - without recalculation;
  • interest capitalization – not applicable;


Income on deposit:
Deposit rate:
... %

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