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Chop etish sanasi: 23.11.2022 y.
Muddat: gacha: 12:00   05.12.2022 y.
Ko'rishlar: 1240

1. Terms of payment -100% upon delivery, Letter of credit, Bank guarantee;
2. Currency of payment - UZS (Uzbek Soum); US dollar, Euro;
3. Delivery time - according to the offer.

If you are interested, please send us your commercial offer to the following address:
KAPITALBANK JSCB - Yashnabad Branch, 1, Makhtumkuli street, Procurement Office of the Administrative Department, 3rd floor.

The deadline for submission of the proposals is until 12:00, December 01, 2022.

Urinboev Abrorbek e-mail: [email protected] tel.: (+99878) 148-40-05, (11 219)
Tolibov Dilshod e-mail: [email protected] Mob.tel.: (+99878) 148-40-05, (11 396)

2-sonli shakl Ishtirokchi so'rovnomasi


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