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Visa from the JSCB Kapitalbank – from the application delivered to a named person without visiting the branch!
31 May 2023

The JSCB Kapitalbank announces the launch of a new function - ordering VISA cards through a mobile application. Now customers can order the issuance and delivery of a card in a prompt and convenient way without leaving their home or office.

The new function of ordering cards through the Kapitalbank mobile application will allow customers to save their time and simplify the process of ordering and issuing cards. In order to order a Visa card, all it takes is to download the Kapitalbank mobile application, select the card order function, go through an instant identification process through MyID and select the type and method of receiving the card.

Thanks to the new service, customers of the Bank will be able to get a Visa card as soon as possible and start using it for online and offline purchases and cash withdrawals from any ATM convenient for them almost from the moment they receive it.

“Our task is to create the most convenient service for our customers. We see a significant increase in the use of plastic cards in everyday transactions and we believe that the prompt issuance and delivery of cards will help users make a choice in favour of modern banking technologies,” says Kirill Maevskiy, Chairman of the JSCB Kapitalbank’s Board of Directors.

/ Source: не указано / Views: 607


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