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“Kapitalbank” ranks the first in the Banks Index
13 Jul 2021
The Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR) has updated the Bank Activity Index. In reliance upon this indicator, the center updates the rating of banks on a quarterly basis.

Taking into consideration peculiarities of the sector, banks have been divided into two groups: large and small. A separate rating was compiled for each. “Kapitalbank: has been ranked the first among 17 major banks, having maintained it since Quarter 2 of 2020. CERD explained this by a good ratio of term deposits to the total amount of loans constituting 84%. “Hamkorbank” has been ranked the second, and “Trustbank” - the third.

In particular, the overall rating of the Bank has been made up of achievements according to a number of criteria. Thus, the highest indicators of “Kapitalbank” have been recorded in the ratings in terms of capital adequacy, quality of management and profitability.

It should be noted, that the Index was developed by CERR for 31 commercial banks in the country and is quarterly updated. The calculation uses the indicators of banks in the following areas: financial intermediation, financial availability, capital adequacy, asset quality, management efficiency, profitability, liquidity.

/ Source: не указано / Views: 693


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