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“Kapitalbank” is at the top of the Banking Activity Index for the third time in a row
27 Apr 2021
The Center for Economic Research and Reforms has updated the Banking Activity Index. The rating is headed by “Kapitalbank” JSCB.

“Kapitalbank” is still holding the leading position among 17 large banks, having held it since the II quarter of 2020. Top results in terms of capital adequacy, profitability and quality of management enabled Bank to firmly consolidate its position in the overall rating.

In particular, the ratio of the Bank’s term deposits to the total amount of loans amounted to 78%. The share of funds received from other banks and financial institutions constituted 3.5% - writes Gazeta.uz, citing the data from the Center for Economic Research and Reforms. Despite the fact that the share of funds received from the state rose by 0.8% compared to the IV quarter of 2020 and accounted for 1.3%, this indicator remains one of the lowest in the structure of the Bank’s liabilities.

It should be noted that the Index has been developed by CERR for 31 commercial banks in the country and is quarterly updated. The calculation uses the indicators of banks in the following focus areas: financial intermediation, financial availability, capital adequacy, asset quality, management efficiency, profitability, liquidity.
/ Source: не указано / Views: 670


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