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“Kapitalbank” helps entrepreneurs cope with the crisis
18 Jun 2020

“Kapitalbank” has set a course to support entrepreneurship - a new line of tariffs has been developed for small, medium and large businesses. Now entrepreneurs can be serviced at reduced prices and according to special preferential terms.

“At the beginning of the year nobody has expected the world to be captured by an economic crisis. We aren’t an exception. Currently all enterprises suffer losses and, unfortunately, some of them will not be able to recover from the crisis. However, private enterprise is the driving force of the national economy. Thus, as far as possible, our objective is to mitigate the consequences of the crisis and help entrepreneurs gain their feet as quickly and painlessly as possible. Even though “Kapitalbank” has keen senses of the consequences of the pandemic, when developing tariffs, we have tried to reduce prices to a minimum. The subscription fee for new tariffs is now much lower than before. For example, the fee for the Online 24/7 tariff constitutes only 100 000 UZS per month, without separate fees for debit transactions”, -says Ozod Karimov, Director of Corporate Business Department.

Online 24/7 tariff is aimed at servicing a business of any scale - from small to large. The main advantage of the tariff is that the entrepreneur will be able to make interbank payments instantly and at any time.

“Retail business” tariff has been developed particularly for small businesses. Grocery and clothing stores, beauty salons, car washes - any business selling at retail or providing household services will be able to connect their business to the tariff. The tariff includes the same functions as in Online 24/7 and in addition to this, on-site terminals and cash registers will be connected. At grocery stores, the QR-online service will also be activated, and this will enable customers to pay for the product using the QR code using a smartphone, without having to go to the cashier’s desk.

Large enterprises are also experiencing hard times. Losses of large business are estimated in billions of UZS, and imports declined during the pandemic by 11%, rolling back to 2018 figures. In order to support importers, “Kapitalbank” has developed the International tariff, within which the percentage for currency conversion has been reduced.

Successfully overcoming the crisis is a prime objective. The team of “Kapitalbank” JSCB intends to further develop products aimed at maintaining and strengthening entrepreneurship.

New rates of the businesses
/ Source: не указано / Views: 1045


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