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Kapitalbank held lectures on financial literacy for schoolchildren and students across the country
21 May 2024
Within the framework of the annual Global Money Week Kapitalbank together with the Central Bank of Uzbekistan held seminars in 25 schools and 2 universities in Andijan, Bukhara, Jizzak, Navoi and Samarkand among young people.

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— Investment in knowledge is the most reliable deposit for the future. Teaching young people financial literacy is the key to sustainable development and prosperity of the society, — says Kirill Mayevsky, Chairman of Kapitalbank's Management Board. — During the sessions, students and schoolchildren became familiar with basic terms, advantages of deposits and risks associated with them, and discussed the topic of deposits as a source of passive income.

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During the workshops, the participants not only listened but also took part in discussions, solved financial literacy problems together with experts and tested themselves in tests. The students who mastered the materials of the lessons best of all received prizes to motivate them to further study the topic of financial literacy.

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/ Source: не указано / Views: 292


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