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Dear Customers! We inform you about the entry into force of New term deposits in the national currency starting from October 1, 2020
1 Oct 2020
  • Term deposit «Golden autumn»
  • Minimum amount of the initial deposit – 500 000 UZS;
  • Deposit period – 24 months;
  • Deposit can be placed with the Bank in both cash and online forms;
  • Interest rate:
    • 17% per annum – from 1 (first) till 12 (twelfth) month of keeping funds in the deposit;
    • 16% per annum – from 13 (thirteenth) till 24 (twenty-fourth) month of keeping funds in the deposit;
  • Interest is paid per month in the currency of the deposit in cash (if the deposit has been formed in cash) or credited to the depositor’s wallet account (if the deposit has been formed using “Apelsin” mobile application);
  • Deposit replenishment – available. Herewith the minimum replenishment amount must constitute 500 000 UZS;
  • Pre-schedule termination – available. If the deposit is requested on the pre-schedule basis, then the amount of interest accrued for the actual number of full months of cash in the deposit is subject to payment;
  • Payment of the principal amount of the deposit is implemented in the currency of the deposit in cash (if the deposit has been formed in cash) or credited to the depositor’s wallet account (if the deposit has been formed using the “Apelsin” mobile application);
/ Source: не указано / Views: 835


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