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Day of good deeds: Kapitalbank celebrated its anniversary
8 Apr 2024
April 7th Kapitalbank celebrated its 23rd birthday. This year the bank decided to celebrate its birthday by donating 500 million soums to Ezgu Amal Foundation — the funds will be used for treatment of children with cancer.

— Over the years, our team has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs to develop their businesses, and millions of Uzbeks solve their daily tasks with the help of our financial services and products, — said Kirill Mayevsky, Chairman of the Management Board of Kapitalbank. — The birthday is another reason for us to do something good and to support those in need of our help along with the Foundation Ezgu Amal.

About Kapitalbank

Founded in 2001, Kapitalbank is today one of the largest private bank in the country. In 2023, the bank's net profit grew by 77%, its loan portfolio increased by 80% and total retail and corporate deposits grew by 34%. The bank's customers are 1.9 million private users and 64 thousand entrepreneurs and companies from all over the country.  

About Ezgu Amal Foundation  

The foundation Ezgu Amal is a non-profit organization established in November 2018. The main focus of the foundation's work is to help children with cancer and critically ill children. Over the years, the foundation has provided treatment assistance to about 800 children.
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