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Children’s drawing competition «Saving up for a dream!»
29 Oct 2020
«Kapitalbank» JSCB announces a drawing competition to the World Savings Day. The main aim  is to teach how to properly manage money and enhance financial literacy of young owners of the «piggy bank».

Children from 5 up to 13 years old can participate in the competition. Authors of the best drawings by age category will receive valuable prizes from “Kapitalbank”:
  • 5 - 6 years old - tablet
  • 7 - 9 years old - smart watch
  • 10 - 13 years old - smartphone
In addition, «Kapitalbank» has prepared special prizes: stationery sets and branded souvenirs.

Drawings will be accepted in Telegram-bot 4.00 pm., October 30. A photograph of a child’s drawing must be accompanied by information about the author: surname and name of the child, age and city of residence.

Further, all accepted drawings that correspond to the rules of the competition will be posted on a special Telegram channel. The winners will be selected through an online popular vote. Voting will last until October 31, 12:00.
Attention! Unsigned works will not be allowed to vote.

The results of the competition will be announced on October 31 at 2.00 pm.

Send the picture here.

Voting takes place here.

By participating in the competition, you agree to the conditions specified in the public offer.
Public offer
/ Source: не указано / Views: 910


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