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Changes in Tariffs
22 Nov 2024

On December 2, 2024, changes to the Tariffs of the JSCB Kapitalbank’s commission fee for banking services to customers who are individuals come into force.

Chapter 9. Kapital Premium service package

B. Visa Infinite Veneer


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank



Reissue of an additional plastic card

100 000 sum

Reissue of an additional plastic card

C. Mastercard World Elite Metal Edge


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank



Reissue of an additional plastic card

100 000 sum

Reissue of an additional plastic card

Chapter 10. Kapital Privilege package service

A. Visa Infinite Metal Edge


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank



Reissue of an additional plastic card

100 000 sum

Reissue of an additional plastic card

/ Source: не указано / Views: 247


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