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А new fixed-term deposit!
12 May 2023
We inform you that new fixed-term deposit in the national currency Maximum capital comes into force since May 23, 2023

  • Deposit currency – soum (national).
  • The minimum amount of the initial contribution is 1,000,000 soums.
  • The term of the deposit is 36 months.
  • The contribution can be made/interest is paid:
    • in online form with the payment of interest to account 20206;
    • in online form with the payment of interest to the card account;
    • in offline form with the payment of interest to the account.
  • Interest rate (calculated on the amount, which is in the deposit for more than 1 banking day):
    • 25% per annum – the first 3 months (1 to 3 months of funds in the deposit);
    • 23% per annum – the next 4 months (4 to 7 months of funds in the deposit);
    • 21% per annum – the next 5 months (8 to 12 months of funds in the deposit);
    • 19% per annum – until the end of the deposit term (13 to 36 months).
  • Interest is paid monthly on the day the deposit is opened.
  • It is allowed to replenish the deposit, in this case the rate for replenishment is equal to the rate currently applied to the initial deposit.
  • Partial withdrawal of the deposit is not allowed;
  • It is allowed to close the deposit ahead of schedule on the following conditions:
  • 1. If the deposit is demanded before the scheduled date during the first 12 months, then no interest is paid to the depositor for an incomplete month, and the interest paid previously is recalculated based on the rate of 19%; the difference between paid and accrued interest is deducted from the principal amount of the deposit. If the deposit is opened by a non-resident and the tax on income of non-residents is withheld on the deposit in accordance with Articles 366 and 382 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, recalculation of the amount of tax withheld from the customer is not carried out.
  • 2. If the deposit is demanded ahead of schedule after the end of the first 12 months after its opening (i.e., starting from the 13th month), then no interest for an incomplete month is paid to the depositor, and recalculation of the interest paid is not carried out.
/ Source: не указано / Views: 616


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