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Virtual Reception Office of the Chairman of the Board of «Kapitalbank» Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Maevskiy Kirill Leonidovich

Do you have any open questions, complaints or suggestions regarding the services of «Kapitalbank» JSCB?
You can contact the CHAIRMAN of the BOARD of «Kapitalbank» JSCB.
You can send questions, complaints and suggestions to the Chairman of the Board of “Kapitalbank” JSCB by telephone number: (+99878)148-40-11

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If you have an application, please input its number into the field below and press the button “Check”, to review the status.

Public offer

Dear users!

You now have an opportunity to submit electronic appeals directly to the Chairman of the Board of “Kapitalbank” Joint-Stock Commercial Bank. In addition, the appeal you submit is official.

We therefore request you:

  1. If you appeal as an individual, you shall state your full name (last and first name, patronymic), information on the place of residence and explain the matter of appeal. In appeal, legal entities shall state the full name of legal entity, data on location (postal address) and explain the matter of appeal.

  2. Pay attention! Appeals containing false accusations, insults and false allegations are forbidden to submit.

  3. We also want to remind you that you can be denied in consideration of your appeal on the following grounds:

    • inappropriate content of the message (abusive or offensive language, threats, sentences devoid of logic and meaning, etc.)
    • text of an appeal contains unclear abbreviations or promo materials and does not contain specific statements, complaints or suggestions.
    • submission of commercial proposals, invitations to various events and any other information not related to banking activities. Such information you may send by mail

  4. In addition, an appeal of the same person containing a question that has been repeatedly answered will not be considered unless new arguments or circumstances were provided.

These requirements are established according to the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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