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 Remembering Sharaf Rashidov
5 Nov 2021
Tomorrow marks 104 years of prominent statesman and public figure, writer Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov. The date is not round, but nevertheless, following the established good tradition, representatives of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, the Public Council of Veterans of Tashkent and JSCB "Kapitalbank" visited the elders of the Almazar district.

Speakers at this meeting, Mirziyod Mirpulatov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Almazar District, Maruf Usmanov, member of the Public Council of Veterans of Tashkent, Rakhimdjan Sultanov, well-known journalist,  Abdukakhkhor Tulyaganov, activist of the makhalla, and others noted the comprehensive activities of Sharaf Rashidov in  development of Uzbekistan, his invaluable contribution to development of economy, culture, urban planning, construction of new cities, education of the younger generation.

All this and many other things are described in the book of the Russian historian and writer Fyodor Razzakov "Sharof Rashidov: hayot va mamot" ("Sharaf Rashidov: Life and Fate"), published by "Uzbekiston" publishing house in 2020 with the financial support of JSCB "Kapitalbank" ...

Undoubtedly, the book was greeted with interest mostly  by the older generation - the readers who lived, worked, were actively involved in labor activities during the period when the republic was headed by Sharaf Rashidov. And that is why the Public Council of Veterans and JSCB "Kapitalbank" solemnly presented several copies of books about Sharaf Rashidov to the gathered aksakals.
The book about a man and his time, when a whole generation of Uzbeks lived, worked and created, became a valuable gift to aksakals who remember and carefully preserve their rich history.

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