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On November 12, 2018, “Kapitalbank” JSCB and Islamic Trade Finance Corporation  have signed  Line of Trade Financing Agreement worth 4 mllion US dollars
13 Nov 2018
For financing of projects of, mainly, small and private businesses in the Republic of Uzbekistan on Murabakha terms (installment sale).

The development of international cooperation by the bank is driven by the need to diversify the sources of business growth, strengthen the resource base and organize financing of the bank’s clients with credit lines of foreign financial institutions. The main objective of the Bank is to attract long-term resources for refinancing small and private businesses.

International expansion will establish reputation of the bank as an active member of international cooperation, help to protect clients ’ financial interests and promote the bank’s brand abroad as well as offer the possibility for the bank to get access to new skills and technologies.

The Bank will continue the work started on attraction and development of credit lines of the International financial institutions and development banks.

/ Source: не указано / Views: 1947


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