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Kapitalbank launched "Create your deposit" competition
13 Oct 2021
Kapitalbank announces "Create Your Own Deposit" competition, timed to coincide with the World Savings Day.

Contest Rules:

1. Create a bank product -  a deposit. Give it a creative name, set interest rate and prescribe the following conditions:

  • Currency (Uzbek Sum, US dollar or Euro);
  • Interest rate;
  • Minimum and maximum amount of investment;
  • Term;
  • Possibility of depositing or withdrawing funds before the term end;
  • Possibility of capitalization or withdrawal of interest;
  • Prolongation conditions;
  • Possibility to open/close a deposit online through a website or mobile application.
Creative approach will be an advantage. For example, a description of how you would promote the created product.

2. Set out characteristics of the created deposit in a presentation in electronic form.

3. Send your presentation (with the surname, first name, age, city of residence and contact phone number) to the Telegram bot @kapitalbank_uz_feedback_bot.

Selection criteria:

The idea should be realistic and clearly formulated in accordance with the rules of competition. The best presentations will be selected by the competition jury consisting of employees of Kapitalbank.

Everyone can take part in the competition, regardless of gender and age.

Creators of the best deposits will be rewarded with valuable prizes:
The 1st place – a tablet;
The 2nd place – a smartphone;
The 3rd place – a smart watch.

The entries will be accepted from October 13 to October 31, 23:59. Winners will be announced on November 4.

Please read the public offer before participating in the competition.

Public offer

What is a deposit?
/ Source: не указано / Views: 775


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