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German Bank LBBW Has Become a Partner of JSCB Kapitalbank
26 Dec 2022

One of the leading banks in Germany, Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg (LBBW), became a partner of the JSCB Kapitalbank — a cooperation agreement was signed on December 22.

The cooperation with German colleagues and the opening of a correspondent account with LBBW Bank will allow the JSCB Kapitalbank to develop the areas of transactional business and trade finance.

The goal of expanding cooperation with foreign partners is to create favourable conditions for representatives of corporate, small and medium businesses. When choosing partners, the JSCB "Kapitalbank" pays great attention to their international credit rating, the quality and speed of international payments, as well as the interests of its customers.

Earlier, one of the largest banks in the United Arab Emirates, Mashreq Bank, where a correspondent account in dirhams was opened, also became a partner of the Bank.

/ Source: не указано / Views: 446


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