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Changes in Tariffs
12 Dec 2024

On December 23, 2024, changes to the Tariffs of the JSCB Kapitalbank’s commission fee for banking services to customers who are individuals come into force.

Chapter 2. Plastic cards issued by UZCARD system in the national currency

A. Plastic cards UZCARD within the framework of the salary projects of legal entities


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

B. Standard cards UZCARD


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

C. Plastic cards UZCARD of unemployed pensioners


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

D. Plastic cards KIDS UZCARD


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

Chapter 3. Plastic cards issued according to HUMO system in the national currency

А. Plastic cards HUMO within the framework of the salary projects of legal entities


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

В. Standard cards Humo


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

C. Plastic cards KIDS HUMO


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank


Reissue of the card upon expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month)

Commission - free

/ Source: не указано / Views: 188


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