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A project by Kapitalbank was recognized as the best IT project by the Ministry of ICT.
25 Jun 2021
An award ceremony was held at the specialized Information Technologies school named after Al-Khorazmiy on the 25th of June to recognize state authorities and departments that have benefited from digitalization.

An event for the development of information technologies and communications was organized by the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communication and the State Organization "Center for Management of Electronic Government Projects.". Awards were granted to institutions that were rated highly in terms of digitalization and successful implementation of projects in the area of eGovernment.

In the nomination "Best IT project of the financial sector", JSCB "Kapitalbank" won the award with its mobile application Apelsin. Paying with the Apelsin payment system is like having a whole bank at your fingertips with 24/7 technical support. You can use this application to pay for utilities, transfer money from one card to another, deposit money online, pay back loans, convert currencies, make international transfers, and pay according to contracts (details). You can download Apelsin on both Android and iOS operating systems.

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