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Date of publishing: 10.10.2023 y.
Time to: 12:00   26.10.2023 y.
Views: 2061

Requirements for delivery terms:

- The product should meet the minimum technical requirements and parameters specified in the detailed description;

a) Terms of delivery – customs-cleared goods:

1. Place of delivery – Buyer’s warehouse;
2. Terms of payment – 100% upon delivery;
3. Currency of payment – UZS (Uzbek Soum);
4. Time of delivery – in accordance with the bid.
5. Warranty – at least 12 months.

b) Terms of delivery – CIP, Tashkent:

1. Terms of payment – 100% upon delivery of goods, Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantee;
2. Currency of payment – US Dollar, Euro;
3. Time of delivery – (in accordance with the bid);
4. Warranty – at least 12 months.

If you are interested in this tender, please send your bid to:
1 Makhtumkuli Street, Yashnabad Branch of the JSCB Kapitalbank, 3rd floor, Procurement Office, the Administrative Department.

The deadline for submitting bids is until October 26, 2023, 12:00.

Abrorbek Urinboyev’s e-mail: [email protected] Mobile: (+998 78) 148 40 05, (11 219); +(998) 90 976 00 57
Dilshod Tolibov’s e-mail: [email protected] Mobile: (+998 78) 148 40 05, (11 396); +(998) 90 002 05 87

Announcement, tender documentation video cameras ATM


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