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The syndicated loan means a joint lending of major investment projects by several banks.

The funds attracted under the syndicated loan may be directed to project financing, payment for inventories, works and services performed, as well as for any other purposes.

For the purpose of implementation of major investment projects, JSCB “Kapitalbank” is ready to consider syndicated lending, when several banks in conjunction provide financing for a major project.

JSCB “Kapitalbank” can act both as the leading bank of such syndicates for the Bank’s Clients and as a bank participant of the financial market.

Syndicated loans shall be granted to the legal entities only.

The term of syndicated loan granted shall be established depending on the payback period of the major investment project.

Foreign banks and other foreign financial institutions nay be attracted to provision of a syndicated loan. The fact that the, JSCB “Kapitalbank” possesses large opportunities and practical experience of cooperation with foreign banks makes it possible to attract resources of foreign banks.

Having gained a high reputation in the banking sector and having a leading position among the banks of Uzbekistan, JSCB “Kapitalbank” has all the necessary qualities and professional team to carry out syndicates for clients.


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