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Apelsin knows what to do on the day of spontaneous kindness!
18 Feb 2020

He's the one today, did you know?

Take a look at the Apelsin app ⇒ Menu ⇒ Rocket

There are two options that will help you do good things for your friends and family.

  • Send Money option - choose your card, specify the amount and send the generated link to a friend.

He clicks on the link, gets your transfer, and buys himself something nice: a cup of coffee or a new car. Depending on the size of your kindness.

  • The Friend Pays option - here you can pay for any of the services provided. Fill in the required fields and send a link to your loved ones.

They open the link and pay for the phone, Internet, gas or traffic police fine.

Options in the app by link: http://onelink.to/c78eut

Days of spontaneous kindness can be at least every day

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